
Danfoss Vlt 5000 User Manual English

  1. View and Download Danfoss VLT 5000 operating instructions manual online. VLT 5000 controller pdf manual download. Also for: Vlt 5000 flux, Vlt 6000 hvac, Vlt 8000 aqua.
  2. Danfoss VLT 5000 Manuals & User Guides. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Danfoss VLT 5000 Media Converter. Database contains 19 Danfoss VLT 5000 Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Design manual, Technical data manual, Installation manual, Application note, Quick setup manual, Manual, Instruction, Introduction manual, Operating instructions.
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Danfoss 5000 Flux Manual. Download Manual of Danfoss 5000 Flux Controller, Media Converter for Free or View it Online on This version of Danfoss 5000 Flux Manual compatible with such list of devices, as: 5000 Flux, 6000 HVAC, 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS, VLT 5000. VLT® 5000 PROFIBUS.200 File: 01 Dec, 1997: RL: 326.0 B ZIP: Fieldbus Configuration Files VLT® 5000/6000 LonWorks 1.25Mb: 06 Jul, 2008: RL: 996.0 B ZIP: Fieldbus Configuration Files VLT® 5000/6000 LonWorks 78kb: 04 Jul, 2008.

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Danfoss Vlt Programming Manual

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The VLT® 5000 is in the Inactive phase and has reached the end of its lifecycle. Danfoss offers an extensive portfolio of low-voltage drives and can help you select the optimal replacement drive for your application. Danfoss’ lifecycle management model recommends replacement using the DrivePro® Retrofit service.

Inactive: A drive in the Inactive phase has no spare parts or service options available. Operating a drive whilst in this phase may result in unpredictable process downtime due to wear or failure. To avoid these risks, we recommend retrofitting with a new-generation replacement drive, to bring the latest technological advantages to your application.

Successor Product VLT® Automation Drive FC 302

The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 represents a single drive concept that controls the entire range of operations from ordinary to servo-like applications on any machine or production line. The modular open-technology platform on which the VLT® AutomationDrive is built makes it exceptionally adaptable and easy to program.

User Manual Template

Power range

Danfoss Vlt 5000 User Manual English

3 x 200-240 V..............0.25-37 kW
3 x 380-500 V...........0.37-1100 kW
3 x 525-600 V..............0.75-75 kW
3 x 525-690 V............1.1-1400 kW

Power range - Low harmonic drive

3 x 380-480 V .............132-710 kW

Power range - 12-pulse drive

3 x 380-500 V........... 250-1000 kW
3 x 525-690 V ...........250-1400 kW

Read more about VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302
Find technical documentation for VLT® 5000
Read more about DrivePro® services